First steps in developing a project funded

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with all?I heard of the possibility of attracting grants for initial?taking up a business or to develop various projects, however? from project idea to obtain?funding support??country is about long?.

With base? experien?Metodo projects funded?financed from European funds, v? present?m still the main pa?I should parkland?and to derive?maintenance of funding??grants to developing countries for projects and business ideas.

Step 1 – Identifying the project idea,ro

First step ?and perhaps most important is the identification of project ideas, which can translate to identify us?not de pia?? to initiate?taking up business, identification of opportunities??and to initiate?taking up a business or a project, identifying specific need at the community level??i sau la Nivel the?level, etc.

In this phase will analyze the information?laid on market context?No, specific needs, statistical data, trends?They Industry ?and other aspects that may influence?the direct or indirect development project or business idea in the medium term ?i

For larger projects need? finding partners to assure?country various areas of expertise? needed to implement project activities or carried??out the work??OF THE project at national?or regional level. So, identification ?fit and mate selection?and it becomes a stage? esen?ial,en? demand in developing financing?are.

To identify a project idea is recommended? that contact a specialized consultant? can provide information?Additional on selected business idea? already you? may lead to identification of project ideas financed from grants.

Step 2 – Identification of source of funding?are

Currently there? or beer?? a variety of funding sources?It is business ?and various projects. The sources of funding?It has dedicated investment?small businesses of property ?and medium (din Operational program?Regional level, Nations program?level rural development?, National programs?ionale – Start-up Nation, woman Manger, Comer?, s.a., national schemes?national state aid ?and De minimis aid, etc.) sources of funding?complex is dedicated to human capital (Operational program?level Human Capital), which are financed?ate m?Integrated education measures?ia ?and socio-professional? a adul?ilor, young ?Children or programs dedicated to development?country capacity?keep administrative institutions?iilor publice ?i organiza?iilor non-guvernamentale (finan?financed by Operational program?Administrative capacity level?, Sheath?takes Development Society??the Civil ?and other domestic programs?ionale).

our recommendations? at this stage it was? appeal?and a specialized consultant you? can help in identifying the most appropriate funding sources?the idea is for business or project identified? previously in step 1.

Step 3 - Develop grant application?are

Most often, the realization of the demand for financing?has it is laborious ?and require? expertiz? Specialized, atât pentru realizarea planului de afaceri, realization of market studies?? ?and / or feasibility studies, budgeting, cât ?and to develop itself? demand for financing?are.project

Dacian? pan? currently not?and the services of a specialist, v? recommend?m as, demand for development financing?are s? appeal?and the help of a consultant to you? increase ?chances of obtaining?innate Finan?area nerabursabil? wanted?.

Experien?Metodo Studii Confer?? in financing??countries revealed that? a very good? knowledge?growth of specific FIEC?Financial king??countries represent? one of the key factors for project success.

The process of completing a dossier financing?is may be one long? lasted?, and throughout ELAB?country demand for funding?are ?and supporting documents will be required? your involvement? în calitate de beneficiar, so that in a good? collaboration with specialist or consultant will ?you maximiz?bad results ?and enjoyment experience?they both p?r?i.

Step 4 – Depunererea ?and assess the demand for financing?are

depending?ie program funding?are, funding application?can be achieved has:

  • online, by loading information?of direct electronic system made available?ie de finan?actor;
  • filing document?take the format type?ride at the funding?ator;
  • document transmission?take electronic email address set? available?ie de finan?actor;

Even ?and in this? does? It needs advice?? specialized? in order to facilitate?country project submission, especially complex cases?keep electronic systems that transmit requests for funding?are.

after? funding application?is consultant involvement is essential?ial,en? to you? provide assistance?? in the evaluation of the project, period? the funding?ers may require clear?ri point which is highly positive? project (acceptance for funding?are).

Education Consultancy Company Metodo?? Romania SRL offers? consulting services?? in preparing applications for funding?are, management ?and implementation of projects both for entrepreneurs, cât ?and to organize?ii non-governmental institutions?public, with experience?? vast? project development financing?financed from European funds ?and providing counseling?? for establishment?area business start-ups.

Romania is the slogan Metodo: Dedica?and people,,ro,Below this one,,ro,estimate,,ro,Metodo Romania,,ro,i adapteaz,,en,permanently,,ro,view,,ro,and services so that s,,ro,correspond,,ro,specific needs of the public,,ro,Metodo Romania is a specialized company,,ro,in providing vocational training,,ro,only,,co,ii the e-learning,,fy,studies,,ro,i research,,ro,ri de pia,,ja,consult,,es,in management,,ro,and project implementation,,ro,services for both institutions,,ro,public relations,,ro,How,,ro,and organisms,,bg,of private individuals,,ro,and individuals,,ro,ago,,ro,i-ne pe re,,haw,socializing them,,ro!

Sub acest? deviz? Metodo România î?i adapteaz? în permanen?? viziunea ?i serviciile astfel încât s? corespund? nevoilor specifice ale publicului. Metodo România este o companie specializat? în oferirea de formare profesional?, solu?ii de e-learning, studii ?i cercet?ri de pia??, consultan?? în management ?i implementare de proiecte, servicii destinate atât institu?iilor publice, cât ?i organiza?iilor private ?i persoanelor fizice.

Urm?ri?i-ne pe re?elele de socializare: Facebook, Twitter ?i Instagram.

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