3 beneficiary financing challenges for Romania Startup Plus
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În anul 2015, Metodo Studii Consultan?? Romania has f?was part of a consortium?UI managed funds dedicated to development?country of 40 New Business, each with a budget of about 25.000 Euro in the project Entrepreneurial Startup. Metodo Romania managed the establishment?are ?and development 5 business, care î?the continu? development almost 2 years since the establishment?are.
from experience?entrepreneurs that Metodo team I supported a year project, three were caused?the major countries needles?They knew they encountered:
- bureaucracy?take excessive?
As part of a project funded?TA grants, business plans financed?ate in 2015 program Startup Romania were based on a funding mechanism?has laboriously ?and with enough documents, This is why the bureaucracy?It was one of the main challenges?ri entrepreneurs.
The fact is that? all programs funded?It has public funds, fie him in?ionale (and Startup Nation, Comer?, woman Manager) or European bureaucracy are equally.
A?says one of the beneficiaries of funding?are, whose m?you can read testimony aici: "The biggest challenge we met up? Now was bureaucracy?take that from my point of view we can exceed??i prin optimism ?i r?patience ". ?i, complet?m in November, involvement ?and special support?fish in the art.
Metodo team attempted to Romania? mic?Rice burden of bureaucracy?take for beneficiaries of funding?are public?, by developing clear procedures ?unor to the template-hours the?easy to use Peter reimbursement.
- Procurement rules?ii
None of the entrepreneurs whom finance?at ?and supported Metodo Romania did not have no?shares acquisition?public before the business plan and? having been awarded in Romania Startup Program. Most likely no contractors that will be financed?Grant scheme in Romania Startup Plus over the years following?smoking will not be the?I have purchased?iilor publice. this normal, because? it should not? know ?i s? do? an entrepreneur.
Most testimonials from entrepreneurs whom supported the project Startup Entrepreneurs have been linked to the enforcement of acquisition?ii. Iat? only one of these voices: "The biggest challenge we faced was a complex procurement process?ii, that same time? offered us ?chance to purchase?Jonah best medical device market??, to provide top customer service?OF THE no?tri”.
Among the biggest challenges?countries that have encountered funding recipients?Startup has Romania as regards?you purchase?men laid?ion?m: conducting market studies??, pl achievement??ilor, existen?financial amounts, correlation between budget, financial limits the Guidelines for Applicants ?and procurement plan?ii, etc.
All beneficiaries admitted however? c? the challenge is acquisition?Public laid may be exceeded??it? by consulting the specialists?fish in the art, prin munca documents? ?and through effective documentation?, but ?and the support we offer? exper?ii Monitoring ?i asisten?? business. Metodo Romania team has developed a procedure? simpl? acquisition?ii which put it at the disposal?and beneficiaries of microgranturi ?and the requesting procurement documents?them before publication, which contributed to the rapid approval? the report?countries.
- Cash flow
Most discussions?ii when it comes to financing?this area?business initiatives through grant schemes come from the way in which the? Reimbursement of actual entrepreneurs.
national programs?national funding?has start-ups have functions?mentioned in general return principle?country. This means that the entrepreneur invests?this te?ial,en 100% of money, iar în urma unei cereri de decont/ rambursare, finan?ers shall refund? under contract financing expenses?It has - usually between 75% ?i 100% of the expenditure incurred.
Programs such as Romania Startup ?Plus functions and Romania Startup?ioneaz? on pre principle??country, as, în linii mari, means? c? contractor is agreement? between 30% ?i 75% of the approved? business plan, acesta urmând a raporta lunar atât progresul tehnic, cât ?and financial progress. On this principle, tran?They financing?have to agree? only after? full justification? the amounts received.
Because? requests for pre-operation?is a process lasting? minimum 20 of days, exper?ii Metodo Romania and informed the entrepreneurs support?and on the dates for the submission of documents, Estimated data solutions?Driven ?and the status settlement?Driven applications pre-?are ?and they advised on the use of alternative sources of funding?are, even if? it was not very large amounts. In practice entrepreneurial?, Alternative sources are constituted by own savings, loans from friends ?in the family ?i de b?banks or the?and enterprising?market.
În concluzie, Metodo Romania recommend? entrepreneurs wishing? the?in? funding?It has public funds and? start up? the road far? r?patience, s? have a reserve fund? for possible delays in repayment?ri or unforeseen expenses?yellow ?i s? Special surround himself?with which you? OPTA? had discussions?ii point on issues of implementation of the business plan (purchase?ii, reporting) or develop?business country (marketing, vanz?ri, Copyright, contract, etc).
Cite?get more challenge?ri, but ?and many achievements?Entrepreneurial Startup countries of project beneficiaries aici!
Romania is the slogan Metodo: Dedica?and people,,ro,Below this one,,ro,estimate,,ro,Metodo Romania,,ro,i adapteaz,,en,permanently,,ro,view,,ro,and services so that s,,ro,correspond,,ro,specific needs of the public,,ro,Metodo Romania is a specialized company,,ro,in providing vocational training,,ro,only,,co,ii the e-learning,,fy,studies,,ro,i research,,ro,ri de pia,,ja,consult,,es,in management,,ro,and project implementation,,ro,services for both institutions,,ro,public relations,,ro,How,,ro,and organisms,,bg,of private individuals,,ro,and individuals,,ro,ago,,ro,i-ne pe re,,haw,socializing them,,ro!
Sub acest? deviz? Metodo România î?i adapteaz? în permanen?? viziunea ?i serviciile astfel încât s? corespund? nevoilor specifice ale publicului. Metodo România este o companie specializat? în oferirea de formare profesional?, solu?ii de e-learning, studii ?i cercet?ri de pia??, consultan?? în management ?i implementare de proiecte, servicii destinate atât institu?iilor publice, cât ?i organiza?iilor private ?i persoanelor fizice.
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