
Cursos gratuitos para trabajadores

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It has recently been approved,,es,State call for training offer,,es,which it is aimed at providing workers with training,,es,adapted to the demands of the labor market,,es,responding to the requirements of productivity and competitiveness of business and personal needs professional promotion and development of workers,,es,The training plan offer is directly targeted at workers,,es convocatoria estatal de formación de oferta, que es la que tiene por objeto facilitar a los trabajadores una formación 100% subvencionada adaptada a las exigencias del mercado de trabajo, respondiendo a los requerimientos de productividad y competitividad de las empresas y a las necesidades de promoción profesional y desarrollo personal de los trabajadores.

El plan de formación de oferta está dirigido directamente a los trabajadores, who enroll on their own initiative in courses that pose no cost,,es,unlike the demand plan,,es,which is at the initiative of the company and according to your needs,,es,Free training plans for workers,,es,Offer training in specific training plans aimed at busy for certain sectors,,es,This year,,es,We have,,es,Free courses for workers,,es,the following sectors,,es,Alimentation and drinks,,es,workers in companies with fewer than,,es, a diferencia del plan de demanda (formación bonificada), que es a iniciativa de la empresa y según sus necesidades.

Planes de formación gratuita para trabajadores

La formación de oferta se concreta en planes de formación dirigidos a ocupados de determinados sectores de actividad. Este año en Grupo Método, disponemos de cursos gratuitos para trabajadores de los siguientes sectores de actividad:

  • Alimentación y bebidas (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 250 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Agrario, forestal y pecuario (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 250 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Manipulado, envasado, comercio y exportación de cítricos y productos hortofrutícolas (for workers in companies up to,,es,for employees and self-employed workers in the sector,,es,Educational leisure and sociocultural animation,,es,for self-employed workers in any sector,,es,Free courses that you can access,,es,free online courses,,pt,For the workers of Admón,,es,Public Local free courses exist,,es,Antonio.,,en,This year in the call of formation of state supply there is no percentage of places for workers of Public Administration,,es,equally,,es,for the interest in our courses,,es,Maria Sanchez,,fr,These courses are only for Spain,,es,Or you can take them online in other countries such as PANAMA,,es,This training is only aimed at active workers in Spain,,es,since it is subsidized by funds from agencies in the country,,es 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Hostelería (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Comercio (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Grandes almacenes (para trabajadores por cuenta ajena y autónomos del sector).
  • Limpieza de edificios y locales (para trabajadores en empresas de más de 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Construction (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Metal (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Textil y confección (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 250 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • private education (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Care centers and education (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Empresas de enseñanza concertada (for workers in companies up to,,es,for employees and self-employed workers in the sector,,es,Educational leisure and sociocultural animation,,es,for self-employed workers in any sector,,es,Free courses that you can access,,es,free online courses,,pt,For the workers of Admón,,es,Public Local free courses exist,,es,Antonio.,,en,This year in the call of formation of state supply there is no percentage of places for workers of Public Administration,,es,equally,,es,for the interest in our courses,,es,Maria Sanchez,,fr,These courses are only for Spain,,es,Or you can take them online in other countries such as PANAMA,,es,This training is only aimed at active workers in Spain,,es,since it is subsidized by funds from agencies in the country,,es 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Ocio educativo y animación sociocultural (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Empresas de ingeniería y oficinas de estudios técnicos (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Empresas de consultoría, estudios de mercado y opinión pública (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Empresas de publicidad (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Aseguradoras, reaseguradoras y mutuas de accidentes de trabajo (para trabajadores en empresas de más de 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Mediación de seguros privados (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Transportation of goods by road,,es,Centers and services for people with disabilities,,es,Care services for dependents,,es,regulated professions,,es,private health,,es,Pharmacies,,es,Service stations,,es,If you're working in a small business,,es,lower template,,es,that does not belong to any of the sectors mentioned,,es,We also have a training plan,,es,intersectoral Micro-,,es,training activities to which you can access,,es,free training for workers,,es (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Transporte de viajeros por carretera (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Centros y servicios de atención a personas con discapacidad (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Servicios de atención a personas dependientes (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Profesiones reguladas (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 100 trabajadores de asistencia y servicios sociales para personas con discapacidad, personas mayores y drogodependientes, entre otros y autónomos del sector).
  • Sanidad privada (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Oficinas de farmacia (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Estaciones de servicio (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Residuos sólidos urbanos y limpieza viaria (para trabajadores en empresas de más de 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Contact center,en (para trabajadores en empresas de menos de 50 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es)
  • Seguridad privada (para trabajadores en empresas de más de 9 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Servicios diversos (para trabajadores en parques de atracciones y temáticos, personal doméstico, funerarias y lavanderías de menos de 10 workers and self-employed sector,,es,Agrarian,,es,Manipulated,,es,packing,,es,trade and export of citrus and horticultural products,,es,workers in companies up to 100 workers and self-employed sector,,es,workers in companies with more than,,es,Textiles and clothing,,es,private education,,es,Engineering and technical studies offices,,es,Advertising companies,,es,Hostelry,,es,Commerce,,es,Department store,,es,for employed persons and self-employed sector,,es,insurance,,es,reinsurers and mutual accidents,,es).
  • Autónomos (para trabajadores autónomos de cualquier sector).Formación 100% subsidized by the State Public Employment Service.

Formación 100% subsidized by the State Public Employment Service.

Si estás trabajando en una microempresa (plantilla inferior a 10 workers) que no pertenece a ninguno de los sectores anteriores, también disponemos de un plan de formación intersectorial para microempresas, with 12 cursos gratuitos a los que puedes acceder.




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  1. Avatar
    25 May, 2017 at 07:39 — Reply

    Buenos días,

    Para los trabajadores de Admón. Pública Local existen cursos gratuitos??


    Un saludo.


    • Provincia: Granada
    • Grupo Método
      29 May, 2017 at 11:53 — Reply

      Hola Antonio,

      Este año en la convocatoria de formación de oferta estatal no hay porcentaje de plazas para trabajadores de Administración Pública.

      Gracias, igualmente, por el interés en nuestros cursos.

      Un saludo,
      Mary G.

    • Avatar
      Maria Sanchez
      23 June, 2017 at 00:41 — Reply

      Estos cursos son solo para España. O los pueden tomar online en otros paises como PANAMA?



      • Provincia: PANAMA
      • Grupo Método
        27 June, 2017 at 10:20 — Reply

        Hola María,

        Esta formación únicamente está dirigida a trabajadores en activo de España, ya que está subvencionada por fondos de organismos del país.

        You can consult the private courses we teach in Panama,,es,with a certificate from the University of Panama,,es,on our website,,es,Thank you for your interest in our training,,es,Ana Maria,,es,How can I receive more information about the intersectoral training plan for microenterprises?,,es,of free courses in Castellón,,es,Castellón,,ca,For Comunidad Valenciana there is a plan of exclusive subsidized courses for this community,,es,The courses that are part of this plan you can see here,,es,You could also participate in the state plan courses,,es,Both plans have access requirements,,es,you will see them in each course,,es,Through our website you can request more information although,,es,If you prefer,,es,and one of our agents will inform you of everything without commitment,,es,Ricardo,,en, con certificado de la Universidad de Panamá, en nuestra web,pt

        Gracias por el interés en nuestra capacitación.

        Mary G.

      • Avatar
        Ana María
        10 July, 2018 at 22:57 — Reply

        Buenos dias. Como puedo recibir mas información sobre el plan de formación intersectorial para microempresas, de cursos gratis en Castellón.

        • Provincia: Castelló
      • Avatar
        4 October, 2018 at 14:43 — Reply

        From what I see,,es,Do not you have anything for workers in companies over,,es,We are sorry but most of the courses are for companies with a workforce of less than,,es,if you send your phone to the mail,,es,we can call you and inform you if there is any course that you can access by last minute or similar,,es,Greetings and thanks for your interest,,es , ¿ no teneis nada para trabajadores en empresas de más de 100 workers?

        • Provincia: A Coruña
        • Grupo Método
          4 October, 2018 at 15:11 — Reply

          Lo sentimos pero la mayoría de los cursos son para empresas con plantilla de menos de 10 workers. Anyway, si nos mandas tu teléfono al correo redessociales@metodogru, te podemos llamar e informarte de si hay algún curso al que puedas acceder por bajas de última hora o similares.
          Un saludo y gracias por tu interés.

        • Avatar
          3 June, 2020 at 18:34 — Reply

          Hello good Morning

          Estos cursos son solo para España. Or they can take them in other countries like Morocco ?

          • Provincia: Tanger
          • Grupo Método
            4 June, 2020 at 09:03 — Reply

            Buenos días.
            These courses are subsidized by the State Public Employment Service, reason why they are directed for workers in Spain.
            Un saludo y gracias por tu interés.

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