5 questions of future entrepreneurs Startup Plus Romania clarified
Últimas entradas de Grupo Método (ver todo)
Începând din 2017, Operational program?Human Capital funding level?eaz? peste 2500 entrepreneurs rookies?and maximum 40.000 Euro non-refundable per newly established business?at? the grant scheme Romania Startup Plus.
Based on experience?its administrator grants them, Metodo Studii Consultan?? România v? present? r?spunsurile the 5 I'm asking?ri esen?essential for any future entrepreneur wishing?the finan?Romania has the Startup Plus.
- Cui se adreseaza programul România Startup Plus?
Po?and benefits of Financial?It is to set up?a business area in Romania Startup Plus if? meets?your next?following conditions?ii:
- you ?omer ?and I am over 18 de ani;
- e?your person? inactiv?: student or person household?, ?and I am over 18 ani;
- you are over 18 ani ?i have a job? ?i want to? established?Yorkers a business in order to increase?country of new jobs?;
- of residence or re?Follow?a rural or urban, in one of the 7 less regions?Developed in Romania, Northeast respectively, Nord-Vest, Vest, South-West Oltenia, Center, South-East or South-Muntenia.
- this premium?you as a beneficiary of Romania Startup Plus?
Project manager you join them?and will provide an integrated program of stimulating entrepreneurship, care are 3 steps:
Etapa I - Entrepreneurial Training?, during that?raw resume?you do not?the fundamental entrepreneurial actions (60 of classes), learn?i s? î?and devel?and only a business plan, participate in a business plan competition ?i, Dacian? e?You said?tigator, sign a grant agreement?is worth max 40.000 Euro nonrefundable.
Etapa II – Implementarea planului de afaceri, during c?raw resume?your mentoring to entrepreneurs ?special?ti (maxim 6 luni) ?i have an expert who is monitoring the?along with you in all aspects ?in the implementation of European funds (report?ri, purchase?ii, visual identity?, etc) over 12 luni, job t?u this year is to? î?and develop business in the urban network in your region?Follow?? ?i s? create minimum 2 Job?.
Etapa III – Sustenabilitatea afacerii, duration? maxim? de 6 luni, during that?resume'll apply everything you learn?at stage II to maximize the positive effects of financing??rii ob?supported ?I'll make the first steps?i f?r? support funds, however? you have the?Turi monitoring expert, you will remain?keep focused on the way t?u.
Metodo focused on developing a relationship?of trust ?continue to support entrepreneurs?i, making available?ie o echip? the exper?and that was the?along with her when attending?country to the competence?e antreprenoriale ?and up? at the time of submission of the final expenditure.
- I already have the comp?ents business. Are eligible?
R?spunsul from east. Dacian? You've already done a course in Skills?e antreprenoriale, te po?and enroll directly in competition of business plans ?and after?and then participate in mentoring sessions organized in stage II - Plan for Business, but should? meets?you condi?for access to the program (see r?answer the question 1)
- I experience?? entrepreneurship. O s? be downgraded?
Not, you will not be downgraded. Your business idea is as valuable? he Oric?Another raced whose business ideas Romania Startup Plus. What interests him? on funding?ator is to? of experience?to the area where you want to t?and established?Yorkers business ?i s? fii 100% involved ?i 100% realistic in terms?your business plan you propose.
from experience?Metodo, only 20% of people who have come to the competition of business plans ?and were financed?May had financed? previous attempts entrepreneurship. The secret of others?i 80% It was a good? knowledge?third of the field they decided? î?and established?business-finance ?Athens?awarded? Drafted?country business plan.
The business idea will be evaluated? by an independent panel, consisting of entrepreneurs from various industries, members of organizations?ii employers ?and of some institutions?banking financial ?non-layed, a?Therefore you have relevant feedback ?and informed of your proposal.
Experien?ours? Previous? us learn?at c? you, as a future entrepreneur, you want to? be prepared to deal?? competi?take business plans ?i a ie?and Ca?tig?tor.
Because, Metodo Studii Consultan?? România ?i-a preg?cooking a variety of materials which? s help? î?i define?your best business idea ?and strategy for participating in the Startup Plus Romania. Desc?RCA them here!
1. Primul pas în afacerea ta: Planul de afaceri
2. good practices ?and tips for your business
Romania is the slogan Metodo: Dedica?and people,,ro,Below this one,,ro,estimate,,ro,Metodo Romania,,ro,i adapteaz,,en,permanently,,ro,view,,ro,and services so that s,,ro,correspond,,ro,specific needs of the public,,ro,Metodo Romania is a specialized company,,ro,in providing vocational training,,ro,only,,co,ii the e-learning,,fy,studies,,ro,i research,,ro,ri de pia,,ja,consult,,es,in management,,ro,and project implementation,,ro,services for both institutions,,ro,public relations,,ro,How,,ro,and organisms,,bg,of private individuals,,ro,and individuals,,ro,ago,,ro,i-ne pe re,,haw,socializing them,,ro!
Sub acest? deviz? Metodo România î?i adapteaz? în permanen?? viziunea ?i serviciile astfel încât s? corespund? nevoilor specifice ale publicului. Metodo România este o companie specializat? în oferirea de formare profesional?, solu?ii de e-learning, studii ?i cercet?ri de pia??, consultan?? în management ?i implementare de proiecte, servicii destinate atât institu?iilor publice, cât ?i organiza?iilor private ?i persoanelor fizice.
Urm?ri?i-ne pe re?elele de socializare: Facebook, Twitter ?i Instagram.
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