Ziua Europei, our day? Romanians

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Ziua de 9 mai este una special? pe întreg continentul nostru deoarece s?rb?torim Ziua Europei. Data marcheaz? ziua istoric? în care a fost pronun?at? declara?ia Schuman. În cadrul unui discurs ?inut la Paris, în 1950, ministrul francez al afacerilor externe de atunci, Robert Schuman, propunea stabilirea unei noi forme de cooperare politic? in Europe, care s? înl?ture pentru totdeauna posibilitatea izbucnirii unui nou r?zboi între na?iunile Europei. Iat? astfel de ce 9 mai a devenit de atunci un prilej de celebrare a p?cii ?i diversit??ii în unitate ca cet??eni europeni. În majoritatea statelor membre UE, but ?i în state care candideaz? la Uniunea European?, cum este cazul de ast?zi al Turciei, se desf??oar? diferite activit??i de celebrare a acestui moment.

9 May 2016 marcheaz? 10 ani de când România a devenit oficial un stat al Comunit??ii Europene, iar Bucure?tiul, implicit, o capital? european? tot mai înfloritoare, dornic? s? se alinieze la standardele marilor capitale ale continentului.

La Metodo form?m a large family?, and it started even much earlier than joining our? the European Union, în anul 1999 în Vigo, Spania. Ast?day, means the group Metodo? a complex of international companies?specializing in national development projects, formare, social research? ?the only?ii e-learning with offices in ??countries like: România, Columbia, Panama, Mexic, Chile ?the Peru.

Colaborarea fructuoas? dintre cele dou? entit??i din Spania ?i România a avut rezultate cu impact pozitiv în ?ara noastr?. Una dintre bunele practici importate cu succes din Spania a fost cea a „Promotorului Laboral”. target beneficiaries?and c?by the project were special?know which?and carries? work in the service of employment for?her work?, regardless of organization?ie or institutions?and in which?and carries? activity (such as Prime?laughs, ONG, SPO etc), ?and that knowledge?tin?It is extensive on the market?a for?Her work in the area where the needle?ioneaz?: angajatori, profesii cerute, Job? vacations, trends?walking?her work?. Mai exact, Promotorul Laboral Spain is a good example? practically? in market access?employment of persons from vulnerable groups. În România, an improvement has been desired?t??Output of service c?three special?keep in employment ?thus, The project was beneficial Agency?take Jude?ean? for Labor Force?they work? Prahova ?and it was implemented in partnership with the Agency?take Jude?ean? for Labor Force?they work? Tulcea, SC Global Commercium Development ?i Method Studies Consultores SL - SPANIA.

De ziua Europei s? we are glad?m c? un astfel de exemplu nu este singular ?i atipic, ci mai degrab? norma dup? care ne ghid?m într-o dezvoltare continu? ?i armonioas? a societ??ii române?ti.

Metodo România. Dedica?and people,,ro,Below this one,,ro,estimate,,ro,Metodo Romania,,ro,i adapteaz,,en,permanently,,ro,view,,ro,and services so that s,,ro,correspond,,ro,specific needs of the public,,ro,Metodo Romania is a specialized company,,ro,in providing vocational training,,ro,only,,co,ii the e-learning,,fy,studies,,ro,i research,,ro,ri de pia,,ja,consult,,es,in management,,ro,and project implementation,,ro,services for both institutions,,ro,public relations,,ro,How,,ro,and organisms,,bg,of private individuals,,ro,and individuals,,ro,ago,,ro,i-ne pe re,,haw,socializing them,,ro!

Metodo România este o companie specializat? in providing solutions?ii vocational training? continued?, research ?i analiz? labor ?i protec?of social ?i asisten?? technical? for design ?and project management, adresându-?and services so that?three institu?public, cât ?i c?very organization?ii private.

Tehnologia, hire?ii ?and methodology are in line with what we do best ?and do not place the? we make: implementing projects, professional training? ?and Consultan?? în management ?i finan??ri grants.

By everything we do support people in their efforts ?and their personal development plans? ?i profesional? prin formare inovatoare ?and personalized?, easy access to opportunities??i de finan?are ?and advisory services?? care r?always respond?spread?their countries.

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