Europa care func?ioneaz? cu succes

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Europe tr?ie?I troubled days in the last period? Dacian? think of the recent decision? Britain to p?r?you spa?European area or the latest attacks have caused panic? ?and horror round. Euroscepticismul are un nivel ridicat, but should? remember many stories?Successful they have cl?dit structure now seems ?ubrezit?. S? out now?m by the fact that? progress was achieved by trud?, invested?ii ?and cooperation, the freedom of movement?that people, by opening markets?s goods, services, the economic union? ?i politic?, by EU.

This year marks 30 de ani since Spain ?and Portugal joined the EU. La timpul respectiv, European Union? he was known? under the name of Economic Community? European? ?and?INEA 12 membri, Dacian? include the two? States that have signed in 1986. De?i ambele ??I f ri?cut fa?? some hard times with dictatorship?, boy? c? years later, lucrând împotriva curentului, have failed?it s? get? democratic family? from Europe. For Romania instead, this year on 9 May s-au marcat 10 ani de când am devenit în mod oficial stat al Uniunii Europene. Ten years of fruitful cooperation? ?and economic development projects? ?i social? where it has invested more? energy ?i timp.

what function?ioneaz? with truth?successful rate in Europe?

1. Programul Erasmus

Erasmus is supported? developing the European dimension of university education ?post-graduate, The program covers all disciplines ?and fields of study. Practically, students?ii are encouraged?i s? study at a university ??European Union countries between 3 ?i 10 luni (maxim un an academic). The advantage of these exchanges of experiences?? It is to create a united Europe, o Europ? built? The young adapts? in the present ?and I begin to? outline put?and communication ?i rela?Driven yet? de pe b?banks faculties??communities or master programs. Erasmus s spirit?de?Make every participant experience?their joint discovery of a ??ri gazd? values ​​such as freedom, respect, democra?ie. Hat!

2. Comer?the

Comer?The would flourish so much f?r? the European Union?. The fact that? at present?? a cause?tor vegetables from Spain can call on a force?? labor? in Romania to-?Full and team ?and to sell all ??member countries products, nu este o minune, it is a success of regulations?European Union countries. How long would I?non-ini?e?They sell in Europe ?and how? chocolate? Belgian? consumption?m daily Romania? S? we are glad?m these successful exchanges.

3. ?added?a

Innovation has been placed? in the center of the EU strategy for Growth?economic growth? ?and creating jobs? in Europe. Member States are encouraged to? investeasc? 3% of GDP in research ?D up? în 2020 (1% from public funds, 2% of investment?ii private), which is expected? c? would generate 3,7 million jobs? ?i determines the air cre?anual rate? EU GDP by about 800 of billion. EU strives to create one spa?European space research, care s? allows researchers?thorium and? work any ?ar? EU ?and in that?Ruia supported? ?and encouraged? border cooperation?.

4. Fondurile structurale

Structural Funds are financial instruments,ro, administered c?by the European Commission?, cu scopul de a oferi sprijin la nivel structural. Sprijinul financiar din Fondurile Structurale este destinat, în principal, less regions?developed, in order to strengthen economic? ?i social? the European Union?.

Cele 3 strategic objectives of economic cohesion policy? ?i Social? European Union are:

  • converge?or reducing the development gap between regions. States may require funding?It has regions that have a GDP / capita below 75% European media?.
  • regional competitiveness? ?and employment?her work?. States may require funding?It has regions that are not eligible for the Convergence??.
  • territorial cooperation? european?. Objective thematic support? the adaptation ?modernization policies ?and education systems?ie, education ?i angajare a for?her work?.

FSE Europe is the main instrument through which up?keep creating jobs?, help? s people? the?in? Job? better ?reassure? oportunit??professional and fairer for all?i cet??enii UE. operation Fund?ioneaz? through invested?ii in human capital in Europe - hire?ii, young people ?i to?and those are?and R?Searching for a job?. Finan?ESF area 10 billion a year improving?t??e?your employment prospects for millions of Europeans, in particular for the C?Rora it difficult to? î?i g?infertility? For work.

European Union? ?and is committed to creating jobs? more ?and best ?and a favorable company? social inclusion. Acestea sunt obiectivele centrale ale strategiei Europa 2020 to generate an increase?smart?, durable? ?and favorable? inclusion in the EU. The economic crisis? actual? emphasizes? ?the more difficult this challenge?ri. FSE joac? an important role in achieving Europe ?and in mitigating the consequences?s economic crisis - especially Christian?Survey ?unemployment ?and the levels of s?r?you.

La Metodo form?m a large family?, and it started even much earlier than joining our? the European Union, în anul 1999 în Vigo, Spania. Ast?day, means the group Metodo? a complex of international companies?specializing in national development projects, formare, social research? ?the only?ii e-learning with offices in ??countries like: România, Columbia, Panama, Mexic, Chile ?the Peru.

Cooperation between subsidiary in Spain ?and Romania proved to be a success often due? projects developed ?and implemented successful?it. Printre acestea putem aminti: proiectul A.B.I.L., „believe?to-?and future!” ?i Promotor Laboral.

A.B.I.L. – assistant?? individualized? integrating sustainable? or beer?Labor vulnerable people


The project A.B.I.L. was a success ?and criminal?it s? promote social inclusion? ?i s? grow? market access?the free? work has 525 de persoane provenite din categorii defavorizate (persoane cu dizabilitati-68; Roma people?-69; tineri cu vârsta peste 18 year p?r?SESC institutional system?institutionalized protection?ie child-131 ?and women-33).

Cum s-a realizat acest lucru? The project A.B.I.L. ?and it achieved its objectives by providing specialized information services, consiliere, professional training? ?and their qualification to deal?country, precum ?and supporting the care of at least 200 Outbuildings?I have to specify?i (copii minori, b?old people, Disabled u?or other vulnerable groups).

believe?to-?and future!

The overall objective of the project it was human resource development through activities??and guidance, consiliere, qualification ?and re-engage?ilor, the?taking thus an increase?third level qualification in textile sectors ?i comer?. The group ?int? the project was alk?up of 702 employees?and of the two? Reference sectors?? din 3 regiuni de dezvoltare: Bucharest area?you Ilfov (Bucharest?ti ?i Pantelimon), Nord Vest (Cluj) ?and Center (Ocna Mure?). Transnational partner?level within consortia?year, Metodo a lucrat la realizarea a methodology to identify best practices in the sectors mentioned?mentioned. activities??authorities contained in acest proiect reflect? concern ?and interest Metodo Training? continued?.

Promotor Laboral

Promotor LaboralUna dintre bunele practici importate cu succes din Spania a fost cea a „Promotorului Laboral”. target beneficiaries?and c?by the project were special?know which?and carries? work in the service of employment for?her work?, regardless of organization?ie or institutions?and in which?and carries? activity (such as Prime?laughs, ONG, SPO etc), ?and that knowledge?tin?It is extensive on the market?a for?Her work in the area where the needle?ioneaz?: angajatori, profesii cerute, Job? vacations, trends?walking?her work?. Mai exact, Promotorul Laboral Spain is a good example? practically? in market access?employment of persons from vulnerable groups. În România, an improvement has been desired?t??Output of service c?three special?keep in employment ?thus, The project was beneficial Agency?take Jude?ean? for Labor Force?they work? Prahova ?and it was implemented in partnership with the Agency?take Jude?ean? for Labor Force?they work? Tulcea, SC Global Commercium Development ?i Method Studies Consultores SL - SPANIA.

Metodo România. Dedica?and people,,ro,Below this one,,ro,estimate,,ro,Metodo Romania,,ro,i adapteaz,,en,permanently,,ro,view,,ro,and services so that s,,ro,correspond,,ro,specific needs of the public,,ro,Metodo Romania is a specialized company,,ro,in providing vocational training,,ro,only,,co,ii the e-learning,,fy,studies,,ro,i research,,ro,ri de pia,,ja,consult,,es,in management,,ro,and project implementation,,ro,services for both institutions,,ro,public relations,,ro,How,,ro,and organisms,,bg,of private individuals,,ro,and individuals,,ro,ago,,ro,i-ne pe re,,haw,socializing them,,ro!

Metodo România este o companie specializat? in providing solutions?ii vocational training? continued?, research ?i analiz? labor ?i protec?of social ?i asisten?? technical? for design ?and project management, adresându-?and services so that?three institu?public, cât ?i c?very organization?ii private.

Tehnologia, hire?ii ?and methodology are in line with what we do best ?and do not place the? we make: implementing projects, professional training? ?and Consultan?? în management ?i finan??ri grants.

By everything we do support people in their efforts ?and their personal development plans? ?i profesional? offering innovative training ?and personalized?, easy access to opportunities??i de finan?are ?and advisory services?? care r?always respond?spread?their countries.

Metodo Romania subsidiary? with legal personality? Grupo Método în România.

Urm?ri?i-ne pe re?elele de socializare: Facebook, Twitter ?i Instagram.

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