Oportunitati de angajare in cadrul Metodo

Come to support budding entrepreneurs,,ro,Metodo Education Consulting Romania SRL,,ro,It is pleased to invite you to deposit your candidacy for one of the vacancies on projects contracted by the company at this time.,,ro,If you are passionate about supporting entrepreneurship and want to help people fulfill their dream to manage their own business and create new jobs,,ro,We want to join us,,ro,projects are located in regions which recruit,,ro,Northeast,,fr,and,,ro!
Metodo Studii Consultanta Romania SRL It is pleased to invite you to deposit your candidacy for one of the vacancies on projects contracted by the company at the moment,ro.
Daca esti pasionat de sprijinirea antreprenoriatului si iti doresti sa ii ajuti pe oameni sa isi indeplineasca visul de a isi gestiona propria afacere si de a crea noi locuri de munca, vrem sa ni te alaturi!
Cele 4 proiecte pentru care recrutam sunt localizate in Regiunile Sud-Est, Nord-Est, Center si Sud-Muntenia, and posts are described in the attached documents,,ro,Please send us your CV in Europass format,,ro,new or old,,ro,as it is at hand,,ro,which meet the following conditions,,ro,completely,,ro,to the point,,ro,requested and as appropriate post detailed,,ro,specifying,,ro,position and region,,ro,which opt in,,ro,email subject,,ro,until the,,ro,hours,,ro,the following email addresses,,ro,melaniacoman@metodogrupo.com,,en,regions,,ro,Northeast if Southeast,,fr,ioanavlad@metodogrupo.com,,en,regions,,ro,South-Muntenia and Center,,ro,In the spirit of fair-play,,ro.
Te rugam sa ne trimiti un CV in format Europass (nou sau vechi, cum iti e mai la indemana), care sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii: complet, la obiect, adecvat postului solicitat si cat mai detaliat, specificand postul si regiunea pentru care optezi in subiectul emailului, pana la data de 30.11.2017, orele 12:00, pe urmatoarele adrese de email: melaniacoman@metodogrupo.com pentru regiunile Nord-Est si Sud-Est si ioanavlad@metodogrupo.com pentru regiunile Sud-Muntenia si Centru.
In spiritul fair-play-ului, you know that,,ro,not,,ro,we open emails other than mentioned above or after the time specified,,ro,Employment opportunities within Metodo,,ro nu vom deschide emailurile altfel decat am mentionat mai sus sau dupa ora specificata.

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