Proyectos: categoría del Blog de Grupo Método que incluye posts elaborados por el departamento de Proyectos para dar a conocer su actividad. Léenos para estar al tanto de los proyectos en que participamos a nivel internacional, cuáles son los temas que abordamos, qué desarrollamos…
UNIFORS2020- Second training activity for teachers.
Method group has participated in the second training activity of the Erasmus + project UNIFORS2020, organized by the School of Telecommunications at the University of Vigo. Del 5 al 7 February 17 teachers and trainers belonging to the entities participating in the project, have met in Vigo to carry out
During the days,,es,June Method Group has participated in the activities of the DITRAMA project at the headquarters of Woodwize,,es,in Brussels,,es,The DITRAMA project,,es,under the key action,,es,Sector Skills Alliances,,en,Its main purpose is to create an online and open course aimed at promoting the figure of the Manager of digital transformation in companies in the furniture and wood sector,,es,the first expert workshop was held,,es 15 y 16 January Method Group has participated in the activities of the project DITRAMA Federlegno Arrelo headquarters in Milan. El proyecto DITRAMA, financiado por el programa Erasmus , bajo la acción clave 2- Sector Skills Alliances, Its main purpose is to create an online course
New project Erasmus +: European Open Badges Platform
El proyecto European Open Badges Platform (EU-OBP) (2019-1-RO01-KA204-063793) It intended to evaluate, develop and promote a common EU platform for hosting digital badges, aimed at adult education organizations, educators and students as a target audience of the project. Open badges (Open Badges), They are files shaped like
Erasmus + Enterprising project Innvodadoras
El próximo 1 February will take place in Valcea (Romania) a seminar on Entrepreneurship aimed at women who are interested in creating your own business. The seminar is integrated within a project Erasmus +, Enterprising called Innovative ICT (EITIC). It is intended with this seminar, among other objectives: • Promote
Innovative ICT Entrepreneurs,,es,EITIC,,ga,ES01-KA204-050990,,en,brings together a strong partnership with organizations from Spain,,en,Italy,,en,Norway and Romania with an,,en,innovative approach to promote initiatives leaded by women,,en,The project will run for,,en,months and it aims to,,en,Promote and showcase good practices of innovative women entrepreneurs coming from vulnerable groups and/or rural areas,,en,able to use all kind of digital tools and services at their reach,,en, Erasmus project
Buenos días, the next 31 January will take place in Valcea (Romania) a seminar on Entrepreneurship aimed at women who are interested in creating your own business. The seminar is integrated within a project Erasmus +, Enterprising called Innovative ICT (EITIC). It is intended with this seminar, among other objectives: