Announcement 2019: subsidized training for workers in the food industry (Comunidad Valenciana)
Últimas entradas de Grupo Método (ver todo)
Within the new convocatoria 2019 subsidized training for workers and self-Valencia, in this article we will tell you about exclusive subsidized courses for workers in the food industry.
It is subsidized courses (online mode and modality) dirigidos prioritariamente a trabajadores del sector agroalimentario de Comunidad Valenciana. La formation is subsidized by the Valencia, Labora and Sepe, por lo que todos estos Courses are completely free. To access you just have to meet a requirement: be an employee or independent of the food industry in Valencia (although there are also some places available for the unemployed in this community).
subsidized training for workers in the food industry
Cursos gratuitos en modalidad online:
→Gestión de sistemas de seguridad alimentaria | +info
Objetivos: aprender a implantar sistemas de seguridad alimentaria, also undergoing maintenance and improvement, including HACCP.
Duración: 120 horas
→Sistema APPCC y prácticas correctas de higiene | +info
Objetivos: adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre el APPCC, as well as the skills to contribute to the implementation of the system, apply, control and monitor.
Duración: 60 horas
→raw materials in the food industry | +info
Objetivos: recognize and analyze the raw materials that are part of the production processes of the food industry.
Duración: 200 horas
Free courses in modality:
→Decoration and window dressing | +info
Objetivos: The main objective of this course is that each student recognize the basics of decorating and escapatismo that are necessary to improve the visibility of the business.
Duración: 20 horas
→Manipulador de alimentos | +info
Objetivos: at the end of the course students will have acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to apply in your workplace proper behavior and proper techniques of hygiene and food safety in food handling, to prevent contamination and prevent possible eating disorders in those specialties Food Industry, Hospitality and those for whose practice is needed.
Duración: 10 horas
*Modality courses will be taught in our central Alaquás (Valencia).
You can register or request more information through the following channels:
⋅Llamando a freephone 900 812 902
⋅Enviando an email to inscripcione,,en,group,,
⋅Entrando the tab for the course you want on the web and filling out the registration form
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