¡Matricularte en los cursos de Método Panamá es muy sencillo!
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En Panama Method We impart diploma courses online avalados por la Universidad de Panamá, which it is the issuer of the certificate to the successful completion of the training. This is virtual training with the support of a tutor entitled y tools to interact with peers the same course. The virtual classroom is available daily, las 24 horas, so you can connect to the platform you prefer day, the time you want. Without inconvenient schedules or shifts!
¿Te interesa nuestra formación? ¿Quieres matricularte y no tienes claro cómo se hace? We explain step by step:
Paso 1:
Enter to the website www.metodopanama.com and select the course or diploma of interest. We have more than 20 diploma courses, grouped into 4 categories: tecnología, marketing, management and languages. Our different options vary in cost and duration.
Paso 2:
When you have chosen the course of your interest, click its tab.
Paso 3:
Now you will find more detailed course information you selected. To continue with enrollment, you must move to the bottom of the page and click on "I want to register".
Paso 4:
Then, You must fill out the form with your data.
Si está vigente alguna promoción y ya sabes el código, es el momento de colocarlo para que se aplique el descuento correspondiente.
Take note!
Paso 5:
After completing the form, it is time to choose your payment method. You can choose between two ways:
- I payulata: With this option you can pay only with your credit card MasterCard.
- Depósito de efectivo o transferencia a nuestra cuenta en Banesco: With this option you can make the payment introducing yourself Banesco branch nearest you or making a transfer to our account using online banking bank of your choice.
By selecting, this option data appear in our account Banesco. Also you will receive an email with the information necessary to make the transfer or deposit.
Paso 6:
If you choose as payment bank deposit or transfer, after making the payment you must send proof thereof to mail cursospanama@metodogrupo.com.
Paso 7:
After submitting your voucher or make your payment by credit card, within a maximum period of 3 business days get immediate access to our virtual classroom so you can start your online course with Panama Method.
¿Te ha quedado alguna duda?
Puedes contactar con nosotros llamando al 215-5211, by WhatsApp to 6918-0856, through live chat web or social networks. You choose!
1 Comment
I wish to enroll in the Business Management diploma, but I can't find the courses they are teaching, gracias