
Announcement 2019: subsidized training for workers in the transport sector (Comunidad Valenciana)

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Inside of,,es,new call for subsidized training for workers of Comunidad Valenciana,,es,there are exclusive courses for workers from different sectors,,es,Today we are going to talk about the,,es,free courses for workers in the agricultural sector in Comunidad Valenciana,,es,There are three free courses that are taught online,,es,Free courses for workers in the agricultural sector in Comunidad Valenciana,,es,??,,en,Food Defense,,en,Acquire knowledge about,,es,Food Defense,,es convocatoria 2019 subsidized training directed primarily at employed workers of Valencia, Today we will tell you all about subsidized training for workers in the transport sector de esta comunidad.

These courses 100% subsidized by the Generalitat Valenciana, Labora and Sepe in online mode and modality, Thus, It is completely free courses. To access them you have to be gainfully employed in the transport sector in Valencia (although there are also some places available for the unemployed in this community).

subsidized training for workers in the transport sector

Cursos online gratuitos para trabajadores del sector transporte

Logistics function and cost optimization | +info

Objetivos: aprender a identificar la función logística y sus costes con la finalizad de reducir/optimizar los costes de logística.

Duración: 25 horas

Logistics Management | +info

Objetivos: acquire the necessary skills to perform the functions of logistics technician.

Duración: 150 horas

Free courses for workers face the transport sector

Risk Factors in the manual handling of loads | +info

Objetivos: aprender a identificar los riesgos que hay cuando se manipulan cargas manualmente y a aplicar medidas de prevención.

Duración: 15 horas


Basic vital support (AHA) | +info

Objetivos: aplicar las técnicas de RCP y de Soporte Vital Básico (SVB) following the protocol.

Duración: 40 horas


Más información e inscripciones:

⋅Llamando a freephone 900 812 902

⋅Enviando an email to

⋅Entrando the tab for the course you want on the web and filling out the registration form


Formación subvencionada:

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Announcement 2019: subsidized training for workers in the chemical sector (Comunidad Valenciana)

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Subsidized training for workers and self-employed in the agricultural sector

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