Free courses in Murcia for business and marketing workers, business services and other services
Últimas entradas de Grupo Método (ver todo)
Let's teach our academy in Murcia (C/Sierra Carbonera, 5) cursos 100% free under attendance. It is offering training, no bonus, dirigida al trabajador y que no consume créditos de formación de la empresa. All modules are professional certificates, formal training with national validity.
Trade and Marketing
Free courses for active workers of trade, department store, service stations and telemarketing:
MF0245_3 Complaints and complaints management regarding consumption,,es,analyze the mechanisms of mediation / arbitration for the solution of situations of conflict in the matter of consumption,,es,It requires a graduate in ESO or equivalent to be able to take it,,es,applications of relational databases,,es,request more information,,es,ss,,en,us,,it,the,,fr,Free courses in Murcia for workers,,es |
MF1002_2 professional English for business |
Business services
We offer the following free classroom course for workers in this sector, It is including consulting firms planning, business organization and accounting, engineering and technical studies offices and temporary employment.
MF0969_1 basic administrative office Techniques |
Other services
Free courses for active workers other services sector: cleaning of buildings and premises, employees of urban properties, funeral services, cleaning, washing and ironing, recreational activities and management auditoria.
MF0233_2 Office |
MF1790_3 Marketing products and services for small businesses or micro |
Si estás en situación de desempleo en Murcia y te gustaría realizar alguno de estos cursos, solicita más información. Disponemos de porcentaje de plazas para personas desempleadas.
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