Artículos de opiniónMétodo Latinoamérica

Myths of e-learning in Panama

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Not learn well, they say; It is very difficult, looks like; It is to vague, they think; That is not reliable, dudan de lo innovador.

Hoy por hoy queda demostrado que ninguno de estos mitos del e-learning en Panamá es cierto, Unlike, since we started the campaign of continuous training 2016 We have seen the evolution and growth of our project e-learning training in various aspects.

myth No. 1: “You do not learn well”

El aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes, according to their own experiences and comments, It has been significant and has allowed them to apply in their jobs, as is the case of our maximum student Paiva, student of Agile with SCRUM and collaborator of Banistmo Panama.

maximo_paivaRegarding the course of Agile with Scrum, I received from Panama Method, I can say it was a learning methodology quite different from previous experiences I've had.

Students offered us the opportunity to work chapters studies based on our available time, which allowed at the times we did were 100% dedicated to the same. The attention of teachers He was always quick and timely, which it helped to fill gaps that may be, and the study cases which they were fully presented teaching, creating the opportunity to deeply analyze them and seek to go further to solve.

maximum Paiva
— "This course has given me more confidence and tools to perform my duties"

To my working life is a very important plus, since I work in the Project Office and this course has given me more confidence and tools to perform my duties.

Last but not least, Method Panama staff is quite warm group, that while it is true that the process is digital, always they showed interest in call to see how we were and if we had consultations, giving us the feeling that we were not alone in the process. So I mean Keep it up!.

And Maximum, many students have told us their positive experiences, on how they could immediately apply the knowledge gained in their work environment.

myth No. 2 : “Formed online is very difficult”

As for ease of course I can tell you that, for many of our students has been a challenge to adapt to its development, therefore they must invest time, creating a field of study, as well as to carry out all activities, foros, workshops and mandatory exams with the course that counts, ya que todos nuestros diplomados y cursos cuentan con una secuencia didáctica que el estudiante debe seguir, developing thus a Autonomous Learning which allows you to successfully complete their training.

myth No. 3: “The e-learning is for ba”

What e-learning is for ba? How interesting it would be that they form!, they do not believe?. It is a fact that in Panama there is a lack of motivation in some young people for training, Method is why we proposed this project, so in a way Interactive, motivating and different, todas las personas -tanto jóvenes como adultos- se animen a formarse para el crecimiento personal y el perfeccionamiento de su hoja de vida.

All our students are professionals and self-taught entrepreneurs, They are seeking to enrich their knowledge and skills, y que se han identificado con la misión del proyecto "Perfecting your resume", “buscar mejores oportunidades laborales” y “desarrollar seres integrales y competentes”. Hence its name "Growing Together". Usted pone el esfuerzo y Método le ayuda a construir un mejor futuro, ¡capacitándose!

myth No. 4: “Leery of systems and companies dedicated to e-learning”

Method In Panama we have a great team that makes it possible for this human and warm feel part of Panama. We have excellent human quality facilitators, that distance when speaking to our students establish that bond of trust and empathy needed for the project.

And what about our certifications, Panama method has the recognition of the most important governing body, The University of Panama. Students can be confident that our methodology and our contended been evaluated by the University of Panama, and that their diploma is issued by the Vice-Presidency of extension of this entity, who they are responsible for ongoing training projects at the University.

That is how Education demystify distance Panama. El e-learning, previously we saw as something distant or unknown, He came to our country and made to stay. De hecho, many educational institutions have developed several events so far this year, apoyados de entidades como la APEDE y la Universidad de Panamá, donde se abordan temas como “Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación” y que reúnen a empresas e instituciones dedicadas al elearning para exponer su perspectivas y productos a favor de la educación.

Panama Method, por supuesto, tuvo una participación destacada, carrying their ongoing training project online.

New Educational Technologies in Panama

stand_Metodo_Panama ponencia_Metodo_Panama_

También se ha realizado ya, un Foro internacional de la Educación Virtual Superior, con el apoyo de universidades privadas, que ven la importancia y necesidad de trasladar en Panamá la tradicional manera de formación presencial a la capacitación online, ya que ésta representa alternativas a la capacitación formal, fomentando la inclusión educativa y la igualdad de oportunidades. Se habla también de la promoción de la equidad de género, y de impulsar el desarrollo de competencias al mayor número personas, en todos los rincones de nuestro país.

El e-learning
“En la actualidad es la metodología más acertada para la capacitación y superación personal”

The e-learning is the most successful method for training and self-improvement today, ya que concilia vida laboral y familiar y se adapta a nuestro entorno.

Nos facilita a todos los panameños, sin distinción, el desarrollo profesional, y sin hacer grandes cambios en nuestra rutina, como sería trasladarse de un lugar a otro conociendo el caos en el tráfico en Panamá, that exists with many buildings. Además, capacitarse online le garantiza seguridad personal, because if on the one hand, mucha gente luchadora y buena quiere capacitarse, on the other hand growing crime in the country and we are not safe on the streets.

Método Panamá te ofrece la oportunidad de capacitarte e ir perfeccionando tu hoja de vida con una metodología online, flexible y que puedes cursar desde tu oficina, your home or favorite place. En cualquier parte del país donde estés.

¡Anímate! Rompe las barreras y mitos a la capacitación online. Tú sólo ven, pon la ilusión y el esfuerzo, y nosotros te ayudamos a construir el futuro.

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