
Oferta de empleo: docente para Vigo

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We are looking for a Teacher to teach Certificate,,es,Professional Qualification reference,,es,SSC448_3 TEACHING TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT,,es,GENERAL COMPETENCE,,es,Module to impart,,es,Location,,es,am a,,en,pm,,en,Submission of CVs,,ca,teacher for Vigo,,gl (SSCE0110) TEACHING OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT (RD 1697/2011, de 18 de noviembre, modificado por el RD 625/2013, de 2 de agosto) .

Cualificación Profesional de referencia: SSC448_3 DOCENCIA DE LA FORMACIÓN PARA EL EMPLEO (RD 1096/2011 de 22 de julio de 2011)
COMPETENCIA GENERAL: Program, to impart, tutorizar and evaluate training activities vocational training subsystem for employment, developing and using materials, media and teaching resources, guidance on the training pathways and career opportunities offered by the labor market in their specialty, permanently promoting the quality of training and didactic update.
Módulo a Impartir: MF1442_3: educational programming training activities for employment.
Horas 60
Mode: Presential
Ubicación: Vigo
Fechas: 21/01/2019 al 05/02/2019
Horario: 9:15 am a 14:45 pm
Envío de currículums: rrhh@metodogrup,eno.com
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