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Términos de Project Management que deberías conocer

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All project manager should be clear about what these 13 terms or determining factors in project management:

13 términos de Project Management que deberías conocer

1. Purpose

Without a purpose it is difficult for teams to play the effort required to perform the tasks successfully. Before starting, organizes an initial meeting and defines the goal and try to get what.

2. Goals

Goals allow focus on how to design an itinerary to meet the target. A goal should be: specific, measurable, reachable, relevant and delimited in time.

3. capacities

People are the greatest resource of all. He works with those who have the skill and experience and get the maximum performance.

4. Means

Identifies the necessary resources as its capital, people, equipment, space, and any other necessary time to get the job done properly element. Without the resources, a project fail.

5. decisions

Be clear who can take every decision, contemplates what needs to be approved by consensus and how fast must be taken. If too many people are involved, the risk of falling into analysis paralysis increases. Make sure you have the right people making the best possible decisions on all critical issues.

6. Debates

Try to analyze a situation from different angles. Encourage your team to explore all the possibilities, scores the most viable options and then select the best. It induces a healthy debate to explore contrary aspects, so that when the time comes to choose, you have considered most factors.

7. Deadline

Time is an important factor, and your team must complete tasks in time to get the project before the deadline. If not, more resources will be needed to reach the same goal.

8. Exploration

Explore every option realizable. Consider pros and cons in detail, and tries to reach an option to add the maximum value.

9. priorities

Put the priorities under constant review, what is important today, it may not be so tomorrow. Your team should know how to change the context, possible to adapt the plan accordingly.

10. Transparency

Know who is working on what, and who it is or is not completing their tasks on time. without transparency, problems remain hidden and tend to worsen. It is better to show warning signs and work together to solve problems in time.

11. Responsibility

It should not be confused with individual responsibility. Teams may have shared responsibility, but individuals of a team are responsible for completing their tasks.

12. Warning Signs

It creates an environment in which people are able to raise issues if they see something wrong. The teams must work together to solve problems and have confidence to give their real opinions.

13. Critical route

This term refers to the longest way to achieve a result, that depends on the implementation of numerous processes. Be sure to identify the critical path along the length of the project. You can vary depending on the nature of the project you're working.

infographic 13 términos de Project Management que deberías conocer

Infographic Project Management

Original publication in the blog de Taskworld.

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